Teknik Penyusunan Pemanduan Wisata

Tata Urutan dalam Pemanduan Wisata (Tour Guiding)


Adalah tindakan ketika pramuwisata mulai memandu wisatawan dengan memberikan opening (pembukaan) yang meliputi hal berikut:

1. Mengucapkan salam dengan bahasa yang familiar

2. Memperkenalkan perusahaan, nama, dan tugas pramuwisata, pengemudi, co-driver, serta tanda khusus untuk memudahkan pengenalan.

3. Membagikan informasi dalam bentuk brosur dengan tulisan dan gambar yang jelas.

4. Menjelaskan gambaran umum objek atau atraksi wisata yang akan dikunjungi.

5. Menjelaskan gambaran umum wilayah penyelenggaraan tur.

Contoh Opening

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to North Sumatera, escpecially in Medan. Please adjust your watch, I would like to inform you that our local time now is 08:30 A.M. well, ladies and gentlemen, before I explain to you futher about our program today, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Rangga Branco. I am from Pecinta Nusantara Tour and Travel. I would like to welcome you to this lovely city, Medan. I will be your tour guide today and take you to the hotel for your accomodation.

In this lovely morning tour, we have Mr. Syaikur as our driver. He is one of our professional drivers and he as been driving coaches for 10 years. So do not worry about your safety because you are in the right hands. Ladies and gentlemen, we also have Mr. Irawan as our co-driver. He will accompany us during this tour and he’ll always ready to help you anytime.

Ladies and gentlemen, based on our itinary, today I will drop you to the hotel, J.W. Marriot Hotel. It is located on Jalan Putri Hijau Medan. It is a five star hotel. This hotel provides you all facilities you need. If you want to spend most of your time in the hotel, you do not have to worry about your meal because this hotel provides your a 24-hours coffee shops and 2 restaurants with their delicious menu. To increase your comfort during your stay, the hotel invites you to join the fitness club.

Ladies and gentlemen, in a few minutes, we will arrive at the hotel. So, please prepare yourself, do not forget to check your personal belongings, do not let anything left behind and I would like to say “Selamat beristirahat”, have a nice day and see you tomorrow morning. I will see you again at 08:00 A.M.


Adalah kegiatan pemanduan selama dalam perjalanan menuju objek wisata yang akan dikunjungi. Hal-hal yang perlu dijelaskan adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Deskripsi singkat tentang objek wisata dan waktu tempuh ke tempat atraksi yang akan dikunjungi.

2. Materi pemanduan yang mendukung, seperti makanan khas, kerajinan traditional, upacara adat, atau agama, dan lain-lain.

3. Hal-hal yang dilewati dalam perjalanan yang menarik disebelah kiri dan kanan jalan. Pramuwisata dapat mengatakan “look at yoru left/right side…”

4. Apabila memungkinkan, beri wisatawan untuk istirahat dan mengambil gambar.

5. Beberapa saat sebelum tiba di tempat tujuan pertama, informasikan kepada wisatawan untuk mempersiapkan diri, membawa kamera, payung, tiket, dan lain-lain. Pramuwisata dapat mengatakan “ladies and gentlemen, in a few minutes we are going to get our first destination, Medan City Hall. Please, do not forget to prepare your camera or handycam…”

Contoh Commentary

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.

Welcome to Medan City Tour. Today is the second day of our tour. Before we start our tour, let me give you some general information about Medan to help you understand about the city and its people. Medan was just a small village at the beginning. It was founded by Guru Patimpus around 1590s. Because Medan village sits on Tanah Deli (land of Deli), Kampung Medan is alsow known as Medan-Deli. The original location of Medan village is an area where the river of Deli meets river Babura.

Medan did not enjoy significant development untul 1860s, when the Dutch colinialists began clearing the land of tobacco plantation. Medan quickly became a center of government and commercial activity, dominating development of Indonesia’s western region.

The Dutch governed Tahan Deli from 1658, after Sultan Ismail, the ruler of the Kingdom of Siak Indrapura, yielded some of his once-rules land. Deli, Langkat and Serdang to the Dut. In 1915, Medan officially became the capital of North Sumatera province and officially became a city in 1918.

To see the essence of Medan history from time to time, you must visit Kesawan Squeare and the old buildings along Ahmad Yani street, Balai Kota street, and Putri Hijau street. Those street is actually one corridor which becomes the heart of Medan City and is still reflecting a glory of the past. At the time, the Deli tobacco dominated the world market.


Penanganan wisatawan di objek wisata perlu memperhatikan hal-hal sebagai berikut:

1. Menginformasikan lama kunjungan dan tempat berkumpul kembali/tempat bertemu (meeting point)

2. Mengurus biaya masuk ke objek wisata (entrance fee).

3. Mempersilahkan wisatawan turun dari kendaraan

4. Memandu wisatawan menuju objek atau atraksi wisata. Apabila ada pramuwisata lokal (local guide), serahkan kepadanya. Apabila waktunya telah cukup, persilahkan wisatawan kembali ke kendaraan.

5. Mengecek jumlah wisatawan pada saat kembali naik kendaraan.

Contoh Commentary

Alright, ladies and gentlemen.

Medan City Hall on Balai Kota Street is one of the oldest building in Medan. It was built in 1908 and first used by Baron Marclay in 1918 as major of Medan. The building is valued for its interesting architecture. The first bank in Medan was “De Javache Bank”. Now it is called Bank Indonesia. It began in 1907 and was responsible for withdrawing the circulation of Spanish and straits Dollars and changing them into Dutch money.

Next to it is Hotel Dharma Deli (Inna Hotel), the first luxurious hotel in Medan which was formerly Hotel de Boer. Some original accessories of Hotel de Boer are still to be seen inside in the hotel. In 1930, there were 120 rooms available in the Hotel de Boer. Some distinguished guests had ever stayed in this hotel, namely the world’s top ad legendary dancer, Mata Hari, and king Leopold form Belgium.

Opposite to Hotel Dharma Deli, sits the Centra Post Office which was built between 1909 and 1911 by architec Snufy, who was also Director of Public Work in Indonesia. The surrounding of area of the building is mentioned as 0 (zero) kilometres of Medan. Next to it, Bank Central Asia which formerly called Witte Societeit building in 1886. The following are the railway station of Medan and the Hanging Bridge on top of the rail-tracks.


Merupakan kegiatan pemanduan wisata dengan memberikan kata-kata penutup (closing), yang meliputi hal-hal berikut:

1. Pramuwisata mengulas kembali program perjalanan yang telah dilaksanakan secara singkat.

2. Tanyakan kesan wisatawan selama perjalanan berlangsung. Distribusikan kuesioner jika ada,

3. Ucapkan terima kasih,

4. Sampaikan harapan anda dan perusahaan agar wisatawan berkenan untuk mengikuti tur pada kesempatan lain,

5.. Menyampaikan permohonan maaf ada kekurangan atau pelayanan yang tidak terpenuhi dalam perjalanan.

6. Menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih kepada driver and co-driver.

7. Mengingatkan wisatawan agar tidak meninggalkan barang-barang.

Contoh closing

Well, ladies and gentlemen.

Now, we’re reaching the hotel you’re staying at. Today, we have visited Medan City Hall. We hope all of you enjoy our tour today. It has been a real pleasure to be your guide. Finally, I, as representative of Pecinta Nusantara Tour and Travel, would like to appreciate you for your cooperation along the tour. We really hoe that we’ll meet again. Thank you. Before leaving the car/bus, please make sure that nothing is left behind.

Addtional Information:

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